Monday, September 19, 2011

Earthquake in Sikkim: All is well here.  A few of the boys I met up with in Kathmandu last semester break and some boys from North East India, where the epicenter was, were worried about family and friends back home.  As far as I know, none of them were injured or hurt.

The closest I got to feeling the earth move under my feet was listening to Carol King.  

Meanwhile, life is going along well here.  Yesterday was pretty great.  I had a busy day - went up to Zach Conrad's (math teacher from VT) for a pancake breakfast with real maple syrup from VT, then we went on a hike with Jay D. and Zach, we went really far in a short amount of time... and we climbed like 1900 meters.   
I recently purchased airfare to visit for Christmas - I'm home from Dec 15th to Jan 15th.  I feel like one of these people.