Well, other than the internet connection being really crappy in my new apartment, the semester is off to a terrific start. Because why Devan? (the following list is in no particular order, but does create a facade of organization and precision - don't be fooled - its neither).
1. As of last week, I have a Hindi tutor. He is a local from Mussoorie who is an amicable, but knowledgeable, teacher. I also go to class in my kitchen, so my commute to and from lessons is about 1 minute (round trip). Hopefully I can stick with it and become more than the typical "white tourist" anywhere outside Woodstock.
2. The health center sent down some antibiotics after a throat swab test on Wednesday. Life is a lot easier when I'm not miserably sick. But I didn't suffer all that much because a student of mine shared the first season of Arrested Development with me (Of course he shared it legally).
3. Football/Soccer at Woodstock is pretty important*. Ex A. There is a tournament/fundraiser, Goal-a-thon!, going this weekend, where dozens of teams compete and raise money for a local charity. Exciting. As there is no decent pitch/field here, we play in the gym with 5-a-side. I played on the staff team tonight. We lost - but it was fun. But not as fun as (Ex B.) The Woodstock Senior School Boys team being undefeated so far this season. The last two Fridays I've enjoyed my afternoons off-duty by traveling with the team for their matches/games in the 11th annual Om Prakash Tournament. They won the first in regular match play, the second in a suspenseful shootout. Great stuff, all the best to them tomorrow at the semi-finals!
*Understatement of the post. It is also worth mentioning that this particular understatement is a big understatement relative to my extra-blog-post understatements as well.
4. In the last week, I've been referred to as "Coach D" at least once. Why? Because I am one of the coaches for the Woodstock Senior School Girls Football Team now. They needed a coach and I'm excited to get the season going for some 25 girls - wait, another girl said she was unable to make the tryouts last Mon/Tues but is still interested in playing - 26 it is then. The more the merrier, because thankfully, there are other staff willing to help manage this large but determined group.

5. I work with the seniors now. Great stuff, this class. As I've been with these boys nearly two years now, it is more fun and meaningful to continue dorm-parenting them. Oh-note to self-one student is interested in MIT and maybe he should email Emily about life in/near Boston. Only down side to working with the seƱors is less time to spend with the other boys, which sucks! At least I'm going help facilitate a "birds & the bees/drugs-are-bad-mmkay-kids" talk with them next month. God I wish this stupid line didn't have to hang awkwardly below Mr. Garrison.

6. Some people from the states travel across the world to get a chance to be in the presence of His Holiness the XIVth Dalai Lama. Next month, probably before "The Talk" with the seniors, I'll go up to school as I do 3-5 times a week, sit down in the gym like I would for any all-school event, and listen to His Holiness. "So, like OMG! right? i'm totes going to try and get his autograph :)" But seriously, but not too serious because look at that face, I'm thrilled at the opportunity not only for myself, but for Woodstock. I'm excited to see what ideas and/or thoughts he imparts upon the students and community as a whole.