Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Finished my last shift of the week 3 or 4 hours ago.  Exhausted, I locked the door behind me as I walked through the dark, sat down on the couch.  Allowing a few thoughts to flash across my mind, as the stars likely do behind the clouded, monsoon sky, I resolve to enjoy a beer.  I move the small can from refrigerator to the freezer for 10 minutes because I like my lagers cool and then find a mug.  Impulsively check my email and facebook... mesmerized time-warp until the alarm sounds to notify me I'll never get those moments of life back and I should remove the beer before it explodes because its slightly alcohol deficient.  Wait, don't I like music more than beer.

Once while in Bhutan last month I zoned out my travel buddies for few songs by Gaslight Anthem (it was only a few songs, I dearly love them).  "Damn," thought I, "That single '45' is catchy and well written."  Satisfied with checking out this release, I searched Wikipedia for the track list, cued up the internet radios, plugged my Sennheisers into the jack and away we went.


I honestly enjoyed at least 94% of the songs.  I think there was one backup vocal part which seemed a little hokey.  I thought to write down some thoughts.  But at ten to 3am, I'm throwing in the towel.

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